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Turkish Asiatic lilies are sturdy lilies that are easy to grow and generally give a large number of flowers. They are available in many different hard, bright colours. They bloom from mid to late summer. They grow to a height of 120 to 140 cm. This type of lily has no scent. These lilies are ideal for perennial plantings and for planting in pots or containers.

Black Beauty 5 lilly bulbs

Black Beauty 5 lilly bulbs

€ 8.10 Ex Tax: € 7.43

OT in OT hybrid lilies stands for Oriental x Trumpet. OT hybrid lilies are obtained from a cross between oriental hybrid and trumpet lilies because the naturally present crossbreed..

Henryi 5 lilly bulbs

Henryi 5 lilly bulbs

€ 9.40 Ex Tax: € 8.62

Unhybridized lilies are lilies from origin from the wild that were brought in cultivation in the Netherlands around 1900. The propagation takes place through vegetative and seed pr..

Temporarily unavailable Miss Feya 5 lilly bulbs

Miss Feya 5 lilly bulbs

€ 8.90 Ex Tax: € 8.17

OT in OT hybrid lilies stands for Oriental x Trumpet. OT hybrid lilies are obtained from a cross between oriental hybrid and trumpet lilies because the naturally present crossbreed..

Temporarily unavailable Scheherezade 5 lilly bulbs

Scheherezade 5 lilly bulbs

€ 8.90 Ex Tax: € 8.17

OT in OT hybrid lilies stands for Oriental x Trumpet. OT hybrid lilies are obtained from a cross between oriental hybrid and trumpet lilies because the naturally present crossbreed..

Spec. Var. Rubrum Uchida 5 lilly bulbs

Spec. Var. Rubrum Uchida 5 lilly bulbs

€ 9.40 Ex Tax: € 8.62

Unhybridized lilies are lilies from origin from the wild that were brought in cultivation in the Netherlands around 1900. The propagation takes place through vegetative and seed pr..

The widest range of lilies for garden or pot on a patio or indoors. All our lilies come
 with 5 free capsules of organic herbal extract to keep out harmful insects so you can

enjoy your purchase without worry.