Perennial organic lily cultivation with pireco

Enjoy your lilies carefree.
With the free attached “Pireco Bladinsecten” organic herbal extract capsules included with your lilies, which prevents harmful leaf insects, you can enjoy your purchase carefree during the first flowering season. Because a lily is a perennial, with proper care you can also enjoy it in your garden or in pot on your patio in the coming years.
Multi-year organic lily growing.
IIf you choose to use your lilies as a perennial in your garden or in a pot, they need proper care. We are happy to help you on your way to grow your own organic lilies. To enjoy your organically grown lilies for years, you must consider the following. Plant the lilies in semi-shade near other greenery to keep the soil cool. Make sure your lilies have sufficient moisture at all times. Remove faded flowers. Remove the dead plants before the fall. After the winter, make sure that the lilies have sufficient food available. This can be done by scatter a small amount of dried cow dung granules over your lilies every spring. Solid cow manure is recommended for organic cultivation. This type of fertilizer has the most favorable nitrogen-phosphate ratio. In addition, solid cow manure makes a good contribution to the soil structure (organic matter content), the structure and the structure of an active soil life. The soil life, which includes microorganisms, insects and worms, contributes to the better availability of nutrients and a good soil structure. Pour your lilies with “Pireco Bladinsecten”* every spring to prevent harmful leaf insects. To prevent soil fungi, it is recommended to treat your lilies with “Pireco Bodemschimmel”* every spring. If you leave your lilies in the same place for several years, it is wise to treat your lilies with “Pireco Bodemaaltjes”* (Anti-Nematodes ) every spring. Nematodes are mainly found on sandy soil and light sand. All our lilies are hardy and can remain in the ground during the winter. Only lilies that belong to the oriental group are sensitive to frost in the spring and should be protected until the night frost is over.
* Organic herbal extract